From the very beginning of time us humans have been utterly fascinated with the divine and the mysterious way in which everything interconnects and functions.

Numbers are one of the main elements found at the core of everything around us, providing a striking example of spiritual engineering.

Whether we wish to talk about the distance between the Earth and the Sun, the diameter of the Moon or the number of perceivable Chakras within the human body – everything points back to 108.

There’s no secret that most Vedic cultures as well as the entire Yogic system considers 108 to be the sacred number of the soul, the very essence of our existence in the Cosmos.

If you’ve been recently catching yourself researching concepts such as why are some people performing 108 salutations with each spring equinox or why Mala’s contain 108 beads, rest assured – you will find the answers to all of your queries in this story that we’ll be weaving here together.

Significance of Angel Number 108

The resounding energetic charge of this number can become quite overwhelming for an initiate in the intricate art of numerology. The most common description of the number given by various cultures throughout time stands for absolute spiritual wholesomeness.

We can begin by analyzing the significance of number 108 in yoga as well as in Hinduism and Buddhism. The Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) are performed 108 times each year during the spring equinox to symbolize paying homage to the gift of creation, the ultimate spiritual completion.

Famous astronomer, mathematician and physicist, Galileo Galilei once made a fascinating statement, explaining that the universe is written “in mathematical language”. He went on to say that the mysteries of creation itself could be demystified through the absolute understanding of numbers and of mathematical equations.

Mystics of various origins around the world discovered that numbers could potentially offer us more than just scientific insight – they possessed a secret pathway to awakening as well as a key to our own intuition and higher aspects of our being – and the first key to this celestial lock lays behind number 108.

The Hidden Biblical Meaning of 108

Angel number 108 has always been a highly revered number for thousands of years; coveted by many spiritual traditions and ascribed special significance in meditation and prayer. Some people believe that there are 108 paths to God.

In the Holy Bible, the epistle of Saint James, whose central message is that there is no authentic faith without charitable work, contains a total of 108 verses. It is also in the epistle of James that the Catholic Church has recognized the sacramental anointing of the sick (Jm 5,14-15).

God’s own divine teachings tell us that the word “first-born” is used 108 times in the Bible. The words “in truth” and the verb “to forgive” are used for 108 times each in the NRSV inside the Revelations and the Gospels.

During his passion, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ received a total of 6666 blows onto his body, including 108 to his stomach.

The Sacred Spiritual Meaning of 108

According to Rosicrucians number 108 symbolizes the summit that a man can reach on the path during one’s reincarnation and Universal number of Man as a whole being.

Throughout the 108 years of cycles of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, the White Cardinal underlined that at the beginning of the era of the Aquarius, in 1962, the Order of the Temple had disappeared from the external world 6 times 108 years.

In Hinduism and Buddhism there are 108 names of the Buddha, there are 108 Upanishads, 108 names of Vishnu in the Mahabharata and 108 names for Shiva.

According to Taoism there are 108 Lords of the Tao and when the new Japanese year is celebrated, the day before by the end of evening, 108 knocks of gong resound across all main temples.

It is also important to note that in the Chinese astrology there are 36 beneficial stars and 72 evil stars, their sum constituting the sacred number 108.

The Marma Adi and Ayurveda record that there are 108 pressure points in the body where consciousness and flesh intersect to give life to the living being

In science and mathematics 108 is the atomic number of Hassium and the most powerful cardinal number also known as the Achilles number.

Why Do You Keep Seeing Number 108?

The increased frequency of instances where you come upon this blissful number is only a natural result of your accelerated ascent toward enlightenment.

As commonly believed by most spiritual cultures this sacred number holds the vibrations of our 108 “earthly desires” that humans experience.

There are said to be 108 of these vices that we go through during our time on this plane of existence, which often include experiencing emotions such as arrogance, obsession and even violence.

Each human experiences these earthly convictions as a means to ultimately achieving enlightenment. It is commonly agreed that in order to free ourselves of all suffering and attain enlightenment, we must shed all of these earthly cravings and temptations.

As shown to us by the Fibonacci Sequence, number 108 stands for the unity and wholeness of existence often referred to as the “nature’s secret code,” or “nature’s universal rule.” It is said to govern the dimensions of everything, from the Great Pyramid at Giza to the iconic seashell named Nautilus and even your very own physical structure.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Number 108?

You should be reminded that as a sentient being, aware of its own existence in space-time, you are the Universe expressing itself as a human being for a while.

This piece of information should be used as a propeller in your life paving the way to greatness and towards accomplishing your boldest endeavors.

If you happen to find yourself in the presence of your guiding angels through the messages they send to you by bringing number 108 in your path, this is the definitive hint that you are on the verge of breakthrough.

Moreover, angel number 108 has a strong vibration of  cosmic essence about it, and its presence bestows guidance towards achieving balance and happiness on your life journey, despite any seeming challenges.

Your duty is to continue putting all of your hard work into achieving your biggest goals in life. This also means that you are at a stage in your life where you now have to believe in yourself more than ever and consider taking on more responsibility.

Essentially, this is an ideal opportunity to embrace a new beginning and a fresh start in your life. Be bold and continue moving forward without dwelling on the past.

Number 108 and Love

When we think about matters of the heart, the 108 sacred angel number symbolizes highly positive vibrations of love, intelligence, creativity, responsibility, abundance and even fertility.

If in the past you and your partner thought about creating life together yet somehow everyday life events came in the way of fulfilling that plant, this is a message from your angels that now is a good time to carry it out and have another talk with your partner and see where they stand.

Alternatively, if you considered adopting a child but were not fully confident in your abilities to nurture new life, this is your reassuring reminder that as a creator yourself, you have the responsibility to protect and nourish life.

Number 108 and Career

In modern day society, the accelerated speed at which everything around us moves can lead us to believe that we are spinning out of space.

However, be aware that mathematicians from the Vedic tradition came to us to help us view 108 as the number representing the wholeness of existence, placing an extremely accentuated significance on the number 108 to remind us of our place in the cosmic order of things.

Keeping that in mind, even if you currently experience higher levels of anxiety or stress in your workplace, try to focus on the spark of inner peace that is ever-present in us all. Speak up about your concerns to your team mates or otherwise read the energies in the room and meditate on your own about how to make them better.

Number 108 and Life Path

Whether you find yourself at a moment in time where your life’s vital energy is focused on rebuilding, rebalancing or expanding, the Malas help you find clarity on what’s most important in your life right now.

We can practice chanting, breathwork, or asanas in rounds of this sacred number 108 or we can choose prayer or other means to become aligned with the rhythm of the universe and the energy of the divine source flowing through all things.

This is a moment in time where your angels are placing an intensified significance on number 108, that connects the essence of each individual, including yourself, with the divine source.

They are sharing with you the secrets of this number. 8 equals manifesting positive abundance, personal power. In other words, it stands for a desire for peace and a love of humanity. 1 is directly linked to new beginnings, intuition, insight and lastly 0 provides the development of one’s spiritual journey and urges you to keep listening to your intuition.

As within eastern philosophy number 108 is considered to be the complete circle – this time around you must also become part of the Circle of Life.

Angel Number 108 in Numerology

Mystics, visionaries and successful entrepreneurs often find themselves under the mark of this divine number. They have been chosen to perform tasks which will benefit the greater good of humankind.

Their work almost never goes unnoticed and so they easily stand out in crowds or in any forms of gatherings. Natural born leaders with a gentle heart, they stand as true inspiration sources for the community.

These individuals are also usually quite sharing of their feelings and emotions, albeit a little more on the sensitive side at times. Such people may seem strange to others due to their craving for creativity, that can sometimes span beyond all boundaries imaginable.

Being incredibly bright and charismatic people, there is hardly anything that can bring them out of their natural state of peace of mind.


We can begin to summarize our all-encompassing journey through the history and meaning of angel number 108 by mentioning once again the points of life force energy throughout our body. These are yet another reason why the number 108 is so sacred to us.

Additionally, we now know that the distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun, the distance between the Earth and Moon is 108 times the diameter of the Moon and that the diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth.

Indian cosmology defines the number 108 as the basis of all creation. In Hinduism and Buddhism, a mala comes as a string of 108 beads plus one guru or guiding bead. A mala can resemble the Catholic rosary and is used for counting as you repeat a mantra during your daily meditation.

Because its energetically charged components, angel number 108 and the symbolism involved show us that this is an angel number that is particularly relevant to those already involved in an existing relationship as far as love is concerned, bringing about news of possible pregnancies.

There are 108 types of meditation and 108 Lords of the Tao. Continuing to amaze us with its divine power, this number also shows the 108 names of the Buddha, there are 108 Upanishads, 108 names of Vishnu in the Mahabharata and 108 names for Shiva.

Another important aspect to note here is that the sacred 108 angel number presents an individual with the ability to change their lives completely by requesting their full devotion and concentration to the task at hand.

Divinely intertwined with the Universal Energies, number 108 patronizes idealists and creative people. In numerology it represents the number associated with highly spiritual individuals that have the potential to shape our world through manifesting positive abundance.

Lastly, Angel Number 108 stands as a reminder that the energies we put out to the Universe are eventually returned to us, that we are nearing the end of a phase or cycle in our lives and the angels now ask us to seize new opportunities that will appear in due course.

Focus on your positive thoughts and emotions. Allow your life to be driven only by positive affirmations – remember, if you can conceive it in your mind, then you can achieve it.