Throughout our daily lives we may sometimes become surrounded by the eerie feeling of being chased down by numbers. This can happen in different unexpected ways and can leave us wondering what the deeper message behind it is.

Our thoughts manifest change in our lives, and we should always strive to become fully aware of how our thoughts affect our reality and those around us. Life is without doubt a multi-dimensional experience

Although we attract the manifestation of change in our lives using the energy of our thoughts, we should constantly be aware of how these thoughts affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Angel number 116 is the gentle proof that your guardian angels have been paying attention to your efforts of building a better future and would like to motivate you to push forward until you have accomplished all of your dreams.

This road towards enlightenment will challenge you to maintain your focus on the positive aspects of any situation and pass through all shortcomings without losing track of others surrounding you. Essentially 116 is all about community and thriving inside a welcoming community. But what other secrets does it hold?

Significance of Angel Number 116

Opportunities and new beginnings are now heading your way. Number 116 is universally regarded as a symbol of new beginnings and fresh starts. Be aware of new career offers, new partnerships and even new beginnings through its appearance in your life.

Angel number 116 symbolizes fresh beginnings and opportunities. When it appears in your life, be on the alert for many clues that will arise and even new relationships.

The core meaning of number 116 denotes emotional depth, truthfulness, faith and honesty. Although it is overall considered a masculine angel number representing a fatherly figure being in charge of home and income status, this number manages to embody the soft, sensitive and attentive side of the human spirit as well.

Number 116 stands for the prefix of several European telephone lines designated to assist in social service situations. It is also the atomic number of the element known as Livermorium.

The “Hundred Year War” between France and England, spanning from 1337 until 1453 lasted for a total of 116 years. The year 116 AD teaches us about Emperor’s Trajan conquest of Parthia and his invasions over Seleucia, Babylon, Ctesiphon and Susa, marking these events as the culminating point of the Roman Empire’s expansion towards the East.

In 116BC Ptolemy IX, governor of Cyprus takes over the regency of Alexandria and Egypt, despite Cleopatra’s efforts of brining her younger son on the throne.

We can easily identify new beginnings and growth through these important historical events where angel number 116 is universally acknowledged as a symbol of fresh starts. When it appears in your life, be aware of the many opportunities that will emerge on your path.

Biblical Meaning of 116

From the Holy Bible we can observe the powerful meaning of Psalm 116 saying “I love the Lord because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.”

In this instance, we can clearly see the psalmist’s adoration towards God, expressing his love in a genuine and grateful manner. God, also known as “Yahweh” has answered the psalmist’s prayer in a time of need and has gained his eternal loyalty and devotion.

The angel number 116 can essentially teach you to always have a heart open to love and filled with gratitude for the things granted to you. Everything that happens in your life is for a reason and the key lesson to be learned from this is to be thankful for having the change of experiencing them.

Not everything happening in your everyday life might be easy to overcome, but you can always give a listen to The 116 Clique, a group of Christian rappers from Dallas named after the Bible verse Romans 1:16 and let them lighten your mood.

One by one, your dreams and goals are bound to be fulfilled, granted that you keep your faith in God and your guardian angels, that are always by your side all the way through.

The Sacred Spiritual Meaning of 116

In numerology, angel number 116 can be reduced to the single digit 8, resonating with business opportunities, realism and balance. This core energy thus contributes to the overall vibrational frequency of number 116.

Number 116 is also composed of the Master Number 11 energy, whose attributes related to self-promotion, ambition and willpower to strive forward while nurturing others and being a reliable figure for them.

The single digit number 6 symbolizes a loving home and a happy family, all created through your selflessness and unconditional service to others. The energy of number 6 is also associated with gratitude and grace.

Number 1 contributes to the overall vibrational energy by adding essences of independence, self-reliance and harmony, making number 116 an ideal protector of your home and family when it manifests into your everyday life.

Why Do You Keep Seeing Number 116?

If you’ve been stuck into a rather hectic pattern lately and can’t seem to be able to figure out a quick and easy way back to normalcy, you can consider yourself lucky, as 116 angel number indicates that you will now receive the grace of your angels.

To get on the good side of your divine guides, you should always remain mindful of your domestic chores. In other words, avoid being reluctant in making decisions and changes that you know are long overdue.

Alternatively, once faced with the presence of number 116 in your life, it is a sign for you to re-analyze your life, making sure that everything is in perfect balance.

Moving forward, the angel number 116 urges you to make changes in life with confidence, while letting your inner intuition speak loudly. Harnessing positive thoughts is a vital part of the process, that will ultimately lead you to the path of blessings and positive affirmations.

Everything that you envision in your mind, you are able to create, therefore it is important to pay attention to what your angels are trying to teach you through the use of number 116.

Speaking about opportunities, having witnessed number 116 in various instances represents your clue that abundance and prosperity are soon coming your way and you should embrace them with arms wide open, while staying humble and compassionate toward your fellow companions.

Based on the numerological meaning of angel number 116, we can connect its appearance into your life with success, prosperity and abundance.

What To Do If You Keep Seeing Number 116?

If you have been thinking about investing into a brand new home or taking on a risky promotion because you value stability in life and are reluctant of taking on change, angel number 116 is your long-awaited green light.

The angels are encouraging you to make good use of your willpower and initiative to take action and overcome these fears. This empowerment to you will help you make the right financial decisions and changes into the material field and create the life you’ve always wanted.

All that is needed of you to receive the blessings of angel number 116 is to look at the future with a positive mindset and to become more open to new things. On top of that, it is very important to improve your skillset and work harder toward your goals and dreams.

Believing in your own innate abilities and leaving behind all the worries, stress triggers and negativity should be your main focus in the present moment. Become your own leader and micromanage everything that you pour your energy into.

Making progress is all based on taking the small but necessary steps. And this is precisely the message delivered by your angels through number 116 – to always keep moving forward.

Number 116 and Love

In terms of love and relationships, angel number 116 remind you that you are on the right track and have chosen someone that is truly beneficial to your mental and emotional state.

Alternatively, if you’ve been going through a rough patch and had to leave a relationship behind, yet couldn’t quite shake off the feeling of having made the wrong choice, this is your reminder to leave the past in the past and start looking forward to new beginning.

For couples, the message of number 116 is to remain optimistic and work as a team. It points out feelings of security and strength to your bond, that will enhance your life for the better.

This is a sign that the both of you are fully comfortable with each other and this will help you overcome any obstacle that might come your way.

Angel Number 116 and Career

Career-wise, angel number 116 has a powerful resonance of creating a secure life based on earning your money with dignity. It is all about acting with integrity towards others, without only thinking of profit.

Your projects and endeavors will flourish as long as you keep an open mind to what needs to be done and become more assertive in your leadership role. The key is to be mindful of others while also being aware that you’ve got all it takes to manifest the best outcome possible.

The presence of angel number 116 is empowering you to have the highest expectations and to trust in yourself that you can achieve them. Allow yourself to fulfill the work projects you have started by trusting in your capabilities of coming up with the best solutions.

Number 116 and Life Path

When it comes to your life path, angel number 116 is all about success and evolution. The divine guides urge you to believe in your abilities and to actively listen to your inner voice whenever you need to make an important decision.

You can easily sense the possibilities that lie ahead through positive vibes and attentive communication. You can not only tell when a person is interested in you, but also when they might be interested in someone similar to you.

These signals will give you clues about your best prospects for both the present and future. Angels are telling you that you will soon be exploring a new and different path in life.

You will likely travel to places you have never seen before and have fresh experiences from which you are bound to learn important life lessons that can be applied to your everyday life.

Interpretation of Number 116 in Numerology

A person whose destiny is linked with angel number 116 tends to cherish their ability to see the entire picture more so than budging over details. They are generally considered to be an authority presence in groups and easily assume the leadership role of being in charge.

These people base their decisions and methods on their self-reliance, while still being flexible enough and taking in suggestions from others, generally aiming toward the benefit of their community overall.

A native under the blessings of angel number 116 can be described as a very attentive and focused individual in all that concerns the balance and the happiness of those around him and are often seen being involved In charitable causes.


Even though we can manifest change in our lives through the force of our thoughts, it is always vital for us to be aware of how this mechanism impacts the lives of others.

The positive essence of angel number 116 is often associated with concepts of fresh beginnings, leadership and courage of making changes.

If you keep seeing the angel number 116, you can consider this a gentle nudge from the divine realm to start manifesting the life you’ve always wanted. The angels are by your side and through acknowledging their presence you can start anew.

Making use of the energy of number 116 is making the most of your inspiration and creativity, creating a cheerful and energetic environment for all those around you.

Once you’ve been blessed with this empowering number, your main focus should be on growth and holding positive expectations about your life’s outcome, keeping in mind the material aspect of it, while also working on your thoughts and skills.

The angel number 116 is asking you to set the highest expectations for yourself and to continuously strive to accomplish them. The angels have seen your progress so far and have entered your life once again to remind of you of the importance of positive thinking and mindful living.